Krav Maga is a self-defense system that teaches the practitioner how to avoid, prevent, de-escalate and deal with all kinds of violent threats and attacks. Krav Maga is designed to function in all types of conflict situations and violent clashes and is based on the bodys own natural reflexes and instinctive reactions.There are no traditional sports elements such as. competitions in Krav Maga. It is true realistic self-defense without rules. Still, we use elements of competition and play to make the training interesting and motivating.In addition to a wide range of solutions for use in self-defense, the student develops both physically and mentally, becomes faster at making decisions in stressful situations and able to cope with more and bigger challenges in life. The physical part of the training is based on healthy well-documented training methods with a background in physiology, anatomy, natural movement patterns. We build your strength, speed and mobility in a safe and fun way, and then you burn a lot of calories.When you train Krav Maga at Heartcore, you also get in good shape. The physical part of the training is based on healthy well-documented training methods with a background in physiology, anatomy, natural movement patterns. We build your strength, speed and mobility in a safe and fun way, and then you burn a lot of calories. To participate in an adult team, the student must be 16 years of age and have a clean criminal record.A training class in Heartcore is carefully composed so that it includes physical, mental, technical and tactical training. We work according to a precise curriculum and use modern forms of learning and pedagogy. There is warm-up that prepares you for the days training and there is physical training that strengthens their mobility, strength and endurance.There is technical and tactical training that is directly aimed at a specific topic in self-defense. And then there are mental and psychological elements that are both about communicating, about understanding dangers and about functioning effectively under stress. Everything takes place through fun exercises and lots of play - this is how you learn best.